Domain Name Registration

Your domain name is the unique name that appears in your website's URL. Your domain name is specific to you.In order to get the rights to your domain name you have to purchase it and register it annually and this factors into your initial and ongoing website costs.

Your domain name is important because it creates an online identity for your website.

Your domain name also establishes credibility with your site visitors and potential customers and at the same time help you grow your brand. Domain name is also valuable because if you ever have to change your hosting, your domain name will go with you.

If you’re interested in online advertising , such as pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, then your domain name also plays an important role because that is where you direct users that click on your ad. Without a domain name, you force your business to direct traffic elsewhere, like social media.

If you are looking for help to help you register your domain name, you can Consult Me now.